Hasmas National Park Ride

Transylvania Romania: (IT-RORT03)
URL: https://www.hiddentrails.com/tour/romania_transylvania_hasmas_ride.aspx

Transylvania Romania
Find peace and relaxation while riding through the picturesque Romanian Carpathian Mountains.

This riding holiday lets you explore the Hășmaș National Park and discover the idyllic and sparsely populated area in which our stables are located. You will ride through the Hășmaș National Park famous for its vertical caves, steep chasms and rocky outcroppings. With a bit of luck, you will get to see the semi-wild horses that live in the surrounding mountains.

You will be accommodated at our secluded log cabin, located in the middle of the mountains and surrounded by forests. Here, you will be able to experience a life close to nature without any modern appliance to disturb you – allowing for true relaxation and peace of mind!


This is a progressive ride so nights are spent in different locations (except for the Easter special where all nights are spent at the guesthouse).

Most nights are spent at the guesthouse. We will also spend one night in a lovely mountain hut.

Accommodation Itinerary - subject to changes
Nights 1 - 4: Guesthouse near Kovács Péter
Night 5: Mountain hut near White Meadow
Night 6 & 7: Guesthouse near Kovács Péter

Guesthouse near Kovács Péter
You will stay in our 120 year old rustic log cabin that used to be a Csango farm. The traditional architecture was kept. It is hidden in the middle of the nature, far away from civilization. There is no electricity, no internet and no cell service here. The accommodation is simple and guest can choose to stay in shared rooms inside the log cabin or in a Mongolian yurt. Facilities are shared and there are flushable toilets. A fireplace keeps the house warm and the wood-heated outdoor showers provides a special experience.
In the evenings, you can relax in our warm, saltwater-filled bath barrel while enjoying great views of the surrounding mountain.

Mountain Hut near White Meadow
This mountain hut was built in 1932 by the Transylvanian Carpathian Association. The building has since been expanded and modernized several times.
The shelter has two ground floor rooms with bunk beds. If you want, you can also pitch a tent outside.

Room Occupancy
Single rooms are not available.

All meals are included with this trip and you will have the opportunity to taste local Romanian dishes.
Local alcoholic drinks are included.

We serve 2 warm meals (rich breakfast and 2-course dinner) & a saddle bag picnic for lunch everyday.
The ingredients used for our dishes are of sustainable, ecological and regional origin.
Our vegetables and fruits come from the weekly market in Gheorgheni. Cheese and milk are supplied to us by the neighboring farmers and the meat comes from animals that were allowed to grow up in peace on the lush meadows. No antibiotics, no genetic engineering, natural food and happy animals!
We also use trout from nearby fish farms, wild boar and deer products from the nearby forests.
Finally our self-collected porcini mushrooms, chanterelles and blueberries also contribute to a colorful, biologically oriented cuisine.

Dietary Restrictions
We can cater to vegetarians & vegans and we are always trying very hard to put together a varied menu for you! We also cater to guests with food intolerance or allergies; just let us know if you have any dietary restrictions at the time of booking.

This trip includes and can accommodate special dietary requests.


The horses are mostly crosses between Lippizans and indigenous breeds (Szekler horses & mountain ponies). We breed our own horses. All are calm, mentally balanced, not overbred or nervous, and live in freedom without any kind of force or negative pressure.
At a very young age, our horses already learn how to proceed securely on broken, slippery and rocky land since they take part on the tours following their mothers.
The studs are kept on the pasture, so their nervous system is stable and calm and they are glad to fulfill their daily tasks.
We start training our horses when they are 4-5 years old and mostly all of them can be used under saddle or as pack-horses.

Our saddles are comfortable, remodeled, German military saddles that have been specially developed for a high level of comfort for riders and horses over long distances. If required, our guests can get a lambskin seat cushion for their saddle.
The self-designed, leather saddlebags are made by hand and are used to safely carry the guests’ belongings while on the trail (max. 8 kg).
The saddlebags and the packs were modified in order to enable the packhorses to follow the team, even at a canter.

Riding Gear
Some of our guests do not want to give up their usual equipment during their holidays. It is okay to bring your own stirrups, saddle cushions, reins or your own tent. Please, let us know in advance!
However, riding with your own saddle is not possible for the benefit of our horses. Our horses wear saddles that are specially tailored to their individual back shape.

Weight Limit
Out of consideration for our horses, our weight limit is 90 kg. However, some exceptions can be made depending on various factors – please inquire

Tour Leader
Csaba’s love for the mountain, horses and riding tour started in his childhood. He feels most at home when he can be close to horses and nature. He knows the trails inside and out, even the most isolated tracks. I also know many of the locals there.

All participants must have their own insurance to take part in this trip.

Solo Travelers
Solo travelers and women traveling alone should feel safe while travelling through Romania. Although public transport is slower than in Western Europe, it is safe and our guests have never had any problems in the past.


Sample Itinerary: Summer Program - subject to changes

Day 1 (Sunday): Arrival
After your individual arrival to Gheorgheni we transfer you to our ranch in the mountains (about 15 km). With a bit of luck, we may spot a deer or grouse on our way. After settling into your cozy rooms, our chef Brigitta indulges you with an original Szeklerian dinner in our rustic log cabin. 
Meals included: Dinner
Overnight at Guesthouse in Kovács Péter

Day 2 (Monday): Introductory Ride
After a rich, typical breakfast, we collect the horses from the paddock, clean them and tack them. Then, after a short briefing, we start our ride. Today we ride through dense spruce forests downhill, into the valley, following a small mountain stream, past wonderful meadows. After our lunch break, we head to a local farm via mountain meadows. Once we are back at the farmhouse, we care for the horses. Then you have plenty of time to relax: bathing, sitting by the campfire, reading a book, collecting mushrooms or herbs... Here you will find peace and time for yourself. In the evening we will meet again in the log cabin to eat together.
Riding approx. 3 hours
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Guesthouse in Kovács Péter

Day 3 (Tuesday): Ride to Flower Meadows
This morning, we ride past idyllic farms into the valley. We make our way to the source of the Olt River, the second largest river in Romania. Here, we water our horses and fill up our water bottles. Then our path goes steeply uphill through dense primeval forests. The scent of the forest, the old creaking spruce trees and the wilderness make our route an adventure for all the senses. Once at the top (1450 meters), we take a lunch break with a wonderful view of our local mountains and the valley of Kovacs Peter. Then, it is time to ride back to the farmhouse.
Riding approx. 4 hours
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Guesthouse in Kovács Péter

Day 4 (Wednesday): Ride to Little Sipos Mountain
Our third day of riding leads us to the valley of Kovacs Peter. Then we ride uphill through enchanted, unspoilt forests. In some places, brisk gallops over soft forest paths await us. Today's picnic break is on the summit of the Little Sipos Mountain (1564 m). While the horses graze peacefully around us, we enjoy the well-deserved break and perhaps the warm rays of the sun tempt one or the other to take a little nap.
Riding approx. 5 hours
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Guesthouse in Kovács Péter

Day 5 (Thursday): Ride to White Meadow
Today, we start our small pack-trip adventure into the mountains. We start climbing steeply over stony mountain paths to the main ridge of the Carpathian Mountains. At the top, we let our horses breathe and we enjoy the spectacular view all around: steep rock formations, imposing panoramas and large gorges surround us.
After our lunch break we get back in the saddle and ride towards the famous “White Meadow”, which takes its name from the countless white limestone that surround it. This meadow is located in the middle of the Hasmas National Park. Numerous shepherds and cowherds move here with their animals in the warm summer months. Perhaps we will also meet the semi-wild herd of Csango horses that roam the area.
After crossing the meadow, our trail continues to climb up the mountain, bringing us above the tree line. When we arrive at the top of the Großlauchs summit (1792 m), we enjoy the breathtaking view. Then, we go downhill, leading our horses on foot over wide meadows and alpine pastures until we come to a spring where we water our horses and fill up our water bottles. There is no running water in the hut where we will sleep today, but there are picturesque sunsets.
Once we arrive at the hut, it is dinner time. In the evening, those who want can climb the craggy rocks of the "Lonely Stone".
Riding approx. 5 hours
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Hut near White Meadow

Day 6 (Friday): Ride back to Kovács Péter
We wake up at dawn to visit a nearby dairy (in June-September). Here we watch the shepherds milking by hand and learn how the regional cheese is made. You will also get a first-hand insight into the simple and often hard and lonely life of the mountain shepherds.
After we have strengthened ourselves with a sumptuous breakfast at the hut, we get back into the saddle and start riding back to the farmhouse. The morning offers us another completely new natural spectacle. With a little luck we can even spot a few chamois on the rocks below us. The expanses of the mountain plateaus invite us again and again to wonderful long gallops. We then continue through mysterious spruce forests and walk down to the valley of Balan. The last stage of the day is very demanding for our four-legged companions. Then it is time to recover with a hot shower.
Riding approx. 5 hours
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Guesthouse in Kovács Péter

Day 7 (Saturday): Pongraz Plateau Ride
Today we take it easy. After we have all slept in, we saddle our horses and ride on the plateau of Pongraz, where we have lunch in a restaurant. On the way home, some great gallops over sandy paths are waiting for us. The evening ends around the campfire and you have time to share your experiences of the week.
Riding approx. 3 hours
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Guesthouse in Kovács Péter

Day 8 (Sunday): Departure
After breakfast, transfer back to Gheorgheni, from where you start your individual journey home.

Note: In case of bad weather, the organizer reserves the right to make changes to the itinerary. 

Sample Itinerary: Winter Program - subject to changes

Day 1: Arrival
After your individual arrival to Gheorgheni we transfer you to our ranch in the mountains (about 15 km). With a bit of luck, we may spot a deer or grouse on our way. After settling into your cozy rooms, our chef Brigitta indulges you with an original Szeklerian dinner in our rustic log cabin. 
Meals included: Dinner
Overnight at Guesthouse in Kovács Péter

Day 2: Introductory Ride
After a rich and typical Romanian breakfast, we’ll go and get the horses from the snow-covered meadow. Our first ride will lead us to Mount Magas Bükk (1380 m), from where we will have a wonderful view of the snow-capped mountains and valleys all around. On our way back to the ranch, we will be cantering through the fresh and deep snow. Once we’ve returned, you will get to warm yourself up with some tasty mulled wine and coffee. We’ll let the day end in the log cabin, huddled close to the fire, listening to music and enjoying good conversations.
Riding approx. 3 hours
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Guesthouse in Kovács Péter

Day 3: Ride to Little Sipos
Today we’ll ride up to the “Little Sipos” (1458 meters). Before we begin the ascent, we’ll stop at a small mountain farm and have the opportunity to taste the local cheese. Once we’re back in the saddle, the path will lead us through romantic snow-covered spruce forests, which will guide our way to the summit. After having had our lunch break, we’ll be headed back to our farm. Thereby, we’ll come across source of the Olt River, which is the second largest river in Romania. Back on the ranch, we’ll round of the day with a hearty dinner and a cozy evening under the starlit sky.
Riding approx. 4 hours
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Guesthouse in Kovács Péter

Day 4: Ride to Mount Csofronka
After breakfast, we’ll be headed to Mount Csofronka. Once we’ve reached the snow-capped summit, we’ll enjoy the impressive view over the Hargita Mountains, the Murder Lake and the glaciers of the Kelemen Alps (2100). On our way back we’ll be galloping through some fresh powder. In the evening you can relax in the warm water of our bath barrel and enjoy the ravishing sunset with a glass of wine or beer.
Riding approx. 4 hours
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Guesthouse in Kovács Péter

Day 5: Valley Ride
This riding day leads us into the valley, past idyllic farms and through numerous small mountain streams. Once we’ve successfully descended to the valley down below, a warming campfire with coffee, tea and mulled wine will be awaiting us on a small clearing in the forest.
Riding approx. 4 hours
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Guesthouse in Kovács Péter

Day 6: Winter Ride
After you have enjoyed an extensive breakfast with local specialties we’ll take you on a sleigh ride and to the neighboring farmers.
In the afternoon we’ll saddle our horses and go on a short ride into the magical snow-covered landscape.
The evening invites you to sit at the fireplace, swim and relax.
Riding approx. 4 hours
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Guesthouse in Kovács Péter

Day 7: Lookout Ride
Today, we saddle our horses one last time. We ride across snow-covered meadows and fields to a lookout point from where we can see the cities and villages below from a bird’s eye view. On the way back, there is another steep, adventurous climb through the thicket until we reach a small path that leads us back to the farm.
Riding approx. 3.5 hours
Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Overnight at Guesthouse in Kovács Péter

Day 8: Departure
After breakfast, transfer back to Gheorgheni, from where you start your individual journey home.

Note: In case of bad weather, the organizer reserves the right to make changes to the itinerary. 

Non Riders
Non-riding companions are welcome to join this trip. It is best to have a car in order to do some sightseeing while the rest of the group explores on horseback. 

Rates and Dates for Hasmas National Park Ride

Rates include:

Accommodations, All meals with drinks, 6 riding days & Transfer from/to Gheorgheni
For camping nights, sleeping bag, tent and matress are provided

Packages and Options

  • SeasonYearDescriptionEUR ~US$
    20248 day ride - Summer€1290$1420
  • B
    20248 day ride - Winter€1190$1310
The US Dollar Rate is Based on Exchange Rate of 1.1

* prices are per person based on double/twin occupancy

Transfer and Other Charges:

2024 Transfer is included from Gheorgheni train station 0 $0
2024 Transfer from Bucharest airport (330km) at set times, per car (1-4 ), per way
This is a "Group Rate" - to be paid locally
250 $260
2024 Transfer from Cluj-Napoca airport (230km) at set times, per car (1-4), per way
This is a "Group Rate" - to be paid locally
150 $155
2024 Transfer from Sibiu airport (230km) at set times, per car (1-4), per way
This is a "Group Rate" - to be paid locally
150 $155
2024 Transfer from Targu Mures airport (150km) at set times, per car, per way
This is a "Group Rate" - to be paid locally
100 $105
2024 Non-rider, dbl, pp 650 $670
2024 Please inquire for group discounts 0 $0

Season Tour Dates  Min / MaxReserve
A 2024 05/12 - 05/19 8d / 7n 8 day ride - Summer 3 /10 Expired
A 2024 05/26 - 06/02 8d / 7n 8 day ride - Summer 3 /10 Expired
A 2024 06/16 - 06/23 8d / 7n 8 day ride - Summer 3 /10 Reserve
A 2024 07/07 - 07/14 8d / 7n 8 day ride - Summer 3 /10 Reserve
A 2024 08/04 - 08/11 8d / 7n 8 day ride - Summer 3 /10 Reserve
A 2024 08/18 - 08/25 8d / 7n 8 day ride - Summer 3 /10 Reserve
A 2024 09/01 - 09/08 8d / 7n 8 day ride - Summer 3 /10 Reserve
A 2024 09/15 - 09/22 8d / 7n 8 day ride - Summer 3 /10 Reserve
A 2024 09/29 - 10/06 8d / 7n 8 day ride - Summer 3 /10 Reserve
A 2024 10/13 - 10/20 8d / 7n 8 day ride - Summer 3 /10 Reserve
B 2024 12/27 - 01/03 8d / 7n 8 day ride - Winter 3 /10 Reserve

Dates Note:

Rates do not include:

Gratuities & Airport transfers

Other Info
Meeting: Gheorgheni
Airport: Targu Mures - Transilvania International Airport
Transfer: Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca airport, Targu Mures airport, Sibiu airport, and local hotels

                                            Miercurea Ciuc area














Average High Temperature (°F)













Average Low Temperature (°F)













Average High Temperature (°C)













Average Low Temperature (°C)













Average Precipitation (days of rain)













Source: NOAA


Romania has a temperate climate with 4 distinct seasons.
Spring and autumn are cool and pleasant; making May, June, September and October the best months to visit.
Summers are hot from July to August and winters are harsh and very cold between December and March, with snow falling throughout most of the country.
Spring and summer are the wettest seasons, but rain can be expected throughout the year.

What To Bring:
Here is a summary of the necessary equipment for your holiday with us:
- Walking shoes - comfortable and run in shoes that are waterproof. Please NO rubber boots, sneakers, western boots or riding boots. Since we have to negotiate stretches on foot in the mountains, sometimes over scree / unpaved roads and through water, good footwear is absolutely necessary!
- Rain trousers - waterproof and large enough to be pulled over riding gear and shoes quickly and easily.
- Raincoat or rain jacket (no soft shell)
- Headlamp - Please also think of a few spare batteries!
- Riding helmet - if this is difficult to bring, this can be borrowed from us. We recommend our guests wearing their own riding helmets.
- Sunscreen
- Power bank
- Towel
- Water bottle
- Bathing suit
- Enough plastic bags to protect clothes etc. from getting wet.
- Personal medication (a standard version of the most important drugs and wound care as well as emergency medications for allergies, etc. are taken with us on the rides)

If you signed up for the Winter Ride, bring good and warm hiking/trekking boots, warm clothes and a head lamp.

Please note:
The luggage should not weigh more than 8 kg, as we may transport it on the packhorse or with us in the rear saddlebags.
Our rear saddlebags are big enough to carry the most important things  such as spare clothes and personal medicines (each bag measures 35 x 30 x 12 cm).
Rain gear, drinking bottle, day food and camera can be stowed in the front saddlebags (20 x 17 x 10 cm each).

Clothes for arrival and departure, important documents, etc. can be left theft-proof on the farm.

For the nights that are spent camping, a good quality sleeping bag is required as it can cool down in the mountains at night (up to 10 degrees Celsius). Once packed, the sleeping bag should not be too big as we may have to fit it in the rear saddlebags.
All camping gear for your camping overnight is provided, including plates, knives, forks, spoons and cups and glasses, tents and mats.

It is suggested that you do not bring your good leather riding boots with you, but rather a rubber pair as it can be quite wet in places.
This list is only a guideline for you


Travel documents and Voucher
Personal Travel Insurance
Flight tickets
Visa (check with your consulate)


Riding breeches
Tall Riding boots (preferably rubber or waterproof).
Riding helmet
Riding gloves
Hat (with chin strap) for sun protection
Rain coat


Jacket or sweater for cool evenings
Comfortable T-Shirts/Shirts
Underwear and socks
Bag for dirty clothes
Trekking boots/ comfortable shoes
Personal Toiletries
Insect protection
Personal medications
Sore cream (for an emergency)
Sleeping Bag
Adapter for electric appliances
Camera and extra batteries
Belt pack
Address book and pen (for postcards!)
Sun glasses with strap
Sun tan lotion and lip balm
Hair dryer - none available at accommodations!